Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Holy fuck I just got so excited when I remembered I had a blog!
I am going to pick it back up again now that my life has kind of gone back to normal again and is about to change massively again. Woohooo!!!
I promise I will write more tomorrow. Who am I promising this to? My Creative Self of course.
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
On change

Now, I'm treading water in lots of aspects of my life. Not that I am waiting for anything to happen, I've just returned to the centre. I lived so far one way for so long, then went so far the other way when I was overseas and now, well, I'm back to the middle and it's a place I don't know that well.
But as we all know, the only thing constant is change.
It's hard not to run away isn't it. I've been doing it for years. Quitting jobs, breaking up with boyfriends, moving house, never owning anything for fear that it will slow me down. Well this time I don't think I am going to run away. I want to change my ways and I'm working on it bit by bit.
Speaking of change, I'm going to change the music and have a cup of tea outside on the back step. It's a beautiful night out there.
In Pursuit of Perfection
It’s another beautiful day in paradise. Am getting psyched for summer and going to the beach every day straight from work and baking the shit out of myself. I want to become really leathery and wrinkly and put all those Botox Bitches to shame. I know sunbaking is bad and kills you but sometimes things that are bad are fun and feel good so they win.
Listening to lots of music and just can’t seem to get enough of it. I feel like a sponge, just wanting to soak myself night and day from the moment I wake up til the moment I go to bed. The thing about me and music is that I feel like I have spent most of my life listening to as much music as I can just in case I miss hearing the perfect song. I sometimes think “What if there is a song out there that is the best song ever and I never get to hear it?” My little bro once wrote about the Perfect Song on his blog and this is what he said when he found it at age 17.
“This is the song I wish I had written. It is the most beautiful and emotion-invoking song I have ever heard. I want to die to this song, and I want it played at my funeral. I want this song embedded in me, tattooed onto my skin and my heart and my soul. It sends shivers down my spine and puts tears in my eyes every single time I hear it. Everyone in the world should somehow own this song, because once you hear it, you will understand. The melodies, the harmonies, the passion, everything about it stuns me. I would marry this song if it were a woman. If I had written this song, I could live the rest of my life just being satisfied with myself. This song makes me want to cry, laugh, scream, destroy and create all at once. It is my perfect song. I am too enrapt in this song to even think about a good/bad list today. Sorry, go listen to the song and you'll understand."
Unfortunately I am unable to name the song or artist in order to protect my brother's rep. I loved what he wrote though. It was super dramatic.
Listening to lots of music and just can’t seem to get enough of it. I feel like a sponge, just wanting to soak myself night and day from the moment I wake up til the moment I go to bed. The thing about me and music is that I feel like I have spent most of my life listening to as much music as I can just in case I miss hearing the perfect song. I sometimes think “What if there is a song out there that is the best song ever and I never get to hear it?” My little bro once wrote about the Perfect Song on his blog and this is what he said when he found it at age 17.
“This is the song I wish I had written. It is the most beautiful and emotion-invoking song I have ever heard. I want to die to this song, and I want it played at my funeral. I want this song embedded in me, tattooed onto my skin and my heart and my soul. It sends shivers down my spine and puts tears in my eyes every single time I hear it. Everyone in the world should somehow own this song, because once you hear it, you will understand. The melodies, the harmonies, the passion, everything about it stuns me. I would marry this song if it were a woman. If I had written this song, I could live the rest of my life just being satisfied with myself. This song makes me want to cry, laugh, scream, destroy and create all at once. It is my perfect song. I am too enrapt in this song to even think about a good/bad list today. Sorry, go listen to the song and you'll understand."
Unfortunately I am unable to name the song or artist in order to protect my brother's rep. I loved what he wrote though. It was super dramatic.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
First day of Spring - review
Was pretty pumped up for the first day of spring. Had great expectations. Lets see how it stacked up.
Morning: Got to work on time. Miracle. Sun shining. Tunes blaring in ears during walk to bus stop. Lack of public transport action was a let down. Coffee was awesome but took ages to kick in due to late night last night.
Mid morning: socialising with work mates. Everyone happy. Good springy vibe in the air.
Lunch: 2 hours with Lady Crocker overlooking the harbour celebrating her new job and the fact that she is moving back to Sydney. One less Newie friend brings total to 3. Mental note to make Newie friends where possible. Worked on tan. Drank a beer in the sun.
Mid afternoon: Busy busy busy. Listened to the Gifthorse on work PC speakers. Office was pumped up.
5pm: wines and snack platters = good times. Stars came out to say hello. Wine was awesome. Pined for Haymaker all the while.
11pm: Home. Chilly. Still wearing pyjamas to bed = not summer yet so don't get ahead of yourself. Found new freckle under my left eye that wasn't there before. Tried to wash it off. Skin cancer? Big work meeting tomorrow with boss re: big event. Will pretend to be interested while plotting escape plans. Very tired. Stop blogging and go to bed Tatey!
Morning: Got to work on time. Miracle. Sun shining. Tunes blaring in ears during walk to bus stop. Lack of public transport action was a let down. Coffee was awesome but took ages to kick in due to late night last night.
Mid morning: socialising with work mates. Everyone happy. Good springy vibe in the air.
Lunch: 2 hours with Lady Crocker overlooking the harbour celebrating her new job and the fact that she is moving back to Sydney. One less Newie friend brings total to 3. Mental note to make Newie friends where possible. Worked on tan. Drank a beer in the sun.
Mid afternoon: Busy busy busy. Listened to the Gifthorse on work PC speakers. Office was pumped up.
5pm: wines and snack platters = good times. Stars came out to say hello. Wine was awesome. Pined for Haymaker all the while.
11pm: Home. Chilly. Still wearing pyjamas to bed = not summer yet so don't get ahead of yourself. Found new freckle under my left eye that wasn't there before. Tried to wash it off. Skin cancer? Big work meeting tomorrow with boss re: big event. Will pretend to be interested while plotting escape plans. Very tired. Stop blogging and go to bed Tatey!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Pre-midnight ramblings

Tonight I spent some quality time with my house after being away on the weekend, cleaning it ferociously while listening to early 90's hip hop, including Das FX and The Goats which I haven't listened to since about 1994. Awesome. Then I went grocery shopping and bought heaps of delicious food only to come home and whip up vego sausage sangers for dinner. I am obsessed with sangers at the moment. Whoever invented deliciousness between two slices of bread was a genius.
I also spoke to my brother on Skype for ages. He has mad new ink that he got in Spain and showed me some ungodly tatts that I didn't know he had. This includes a grand piano on his thigh and this portrait of Mulder and Scully from the X-Files with a "I want to believe" banner underneath.
Tomorrow is the first day of Spring and I'm celebrating. The Quirkster and I are going to tuck into a mezze plate and shitloads of wine on the back deck and reminisce about how cold it used to be. I think he is worried I am going to quit my job and leave him alone in the company of bogans.
And then I am starting my Spring Fitness Plan. It involves runs to Nobbys beach after work, salads for lunch and homemade mojitos.
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Haybabe came over, we drank beers, wandered along Chapel St, ate and drank at probably the only cool joint in the street and caught up. Staying in hotels is fun for a change - you can drink the mini-bar and wear the bathrobes but at the end of the day, you don't want to do it too often. It doesn't stack up to wearing trackies at home.
Saturday I had to work, if you can call it that - sitting around eating chocolate and drinking wine with the head chocolatier from Lindt. We got on well and I gave him a bit of shit for being a Chocolatier. What sort of job is that? He laughed and pointed out I get to drink wine for a living. Not generally but he had a point.
Saturday night was spent at The Pinnacle, eating Eggplant Parmas, playing pool and listening to some soul tunes being spun by the nerdy but nice DJ. I requested Rock Creek Park which he didn't have and I must admit I was surprised. We befriended Dan the Barman who was pretty drunk but a good pool player and he and I practised our bad spanish over a game of pool. Great pub, loved it. Realised I am missing city life heaps living in this shit town. Miss the energy, the choices, the attitude, the bad fashion, the crazies, the pollution, traffic jams and bad drivers, good coffee....the list is endless...
Got home and went straight to mum's place for lunch since I knew there was nary a scrap of food in my house. She has happy to see me and kept hugging me and giving me compliments. For all her mental illness and hessian-ness she is pretty amazing and gave me some good advice. She also was wearing Chuck Taylors which I found funny and endearing in an age-innapropriate way.
So back in the crib and reflecting a bit more than I should be for a Sunday night. It's weird to be home tonight...I'm restless and can feel a few tosses and turns coming on. The quiet is unnerving. I am off to find a distraction!
And as for you Walshy - next time. No excuses.
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