Haybabe came over, we drank beers, wandered along Chapel St, ate and drank at probably the only cool joint in the street and caught up. Staying in hotels is fun for a change - you can drink the mini-bar and wear the bathrobes but at the end of the day, you don't want to do it too often. It doesn't stack up to wearing trackies at home.
Saturday I had to work, if you can call it that - sitting around eating chocolate and drinking wine with the head chocolatier from Lindt. We got on well and I gave him a bit of shit for being a Chocolatier. What sort of job is that? He laughed and pointed out I get to drink wine for a living. Not generally but he had a point.
Saturday night was spent at The Pinnacle, eating Eggplant Parmas, playing pool and listening to some soul tunes being spun by the nerdy but nice DJ. I requested Rock Creek Park which he didn't have and I must admit I was surprised. We befriended Dan the Barman who was pretty drunk but a good pool player and he and I practised our bad spanish over a game of pool. Great pub, loved it. Realised I am missing city life heaps living in this shit town. Miss the energy, the choices, the attitude, the bad fashion, the crazies, the pollution, traffic jams and bad drivers, good coffee....the list is endless...
Got home and went straight to mum's place for lunch since I knew there was nary a scrap of food in my house. She has happy to see me and kept hugging me and giving me compliments. For all her mental illness and hessian-ness she is pretty amazing and gave me some good advice. She also was wearing Chuck Taylors which I found funny and endearing in an age-innapropriate way.
So back in the crib and reflecting a bit more than I should be for a Sunday night. It's weird to be home tonight...I'm restless and can feel a few tosses and turns coming on. The quiet is unnerving. I am off to find a distraction!
And as for you Walshy - next time. No excuses.
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