For fuck's sake. Why it took the broadcaster an entire week to remove these fools I don't know. Discussing a 14 year old's sexual activity on live radio is not only in poor taste, it's um, illegal isn't it? If the age of consent is 16, what did they think they were doing in questioning her about sex? Kyle Sandilands made a poor call when he chose to question a minor about sex and I am amazed that he got off scott free. And Jackie O is a disgrace. What woman decides that makes for good radio?
This country pisses me off so much at times for being so gutless. Our cultural response to these incidents and ones like them ie. footy sex scandals, racially fuelled crimes etc is pathetic and I can't believe the way some of these things are handled publically by our leaders.
I remember when the Cronulla riots happened, me and my flatmate the Smiley Phillo were watching the news and she said "Wow. If we were in the Phillipines right now and this went on, the army would be out on the streets mowing people down with machine guns." I love Australia for it's laid back approach but it seems like no one is willing to take their nuts out of their purse and take a stand on what is and isn't appropriate anymore. Although some might argue that that's what John Howard did so you have to be careful what you wish for.
I'm not really up for massive politcial commentary or dicussing Australia's lack of cultural identity in this post, I'm just relieved that these fuckers are not polluting the airwaves....for now anyway.
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