Monday, August 31, 2009

Pre-midnight ramblings

Once again am not tired when I should be. I don't have any problems sleeping as such, once I'm out I can sleep for Australia but I just love staying up late in the crib, listening to music, talking to o/s mates on Skype, prolonging the inevitable alarm clock going off and having to go to work. Not that I should be complaining about my job - it's so fucking cruisy atm I can do it with my eyes and ears closed.

Tonight I spent some quality time with my house after being away on the weekend, cleaning it ferociously while listening to early 90's hip hop, including Das FX and The Goats which I haven't listened to since about 1994. Awesome. Then I went grocery shopping and bought heaps of delicious food only to come home and whip up vego sausage sangers for dinner. I am obsessed with sangers at the moment. Whoever invented deliciousness between two slices of bread was a genius.

I also spoke to my brother on Skype for ages. He has mad new ink that he got in Spain and showed me some ungodly tatts that I didn't know he had. This includes a grand piano on his thigh and this portrait of Mulder and Scully from the X-Files with a "I want to believe" banner underneath.

Tomorrow is the first day of Spring and I'm celebrating. The Quirkster and I are going to tuck into a mezze plate and shitloads of wine on the back deck and reminisce about how cold it used to be. I think he is worried I am going to quit my job and leave him alone in the company of bogans.

And then I am starting my Spring Fitness Plan. It involves runs to Nobbys beach after work, salads for lunch and homemade mojitos.


Sunday, August 30, 2009


I knew this weekend was off to a good start when I checked into the hotel and my lesbian fantasy Ruby Rose was checking in at the same time. I decided against asking her what room she was in because I read that she has a gf. She is smokin hot in real life although shorter than I thought.

Haybabe came over, we drank beers, wandered along Chapel St, ate and drank at probably the only cool joint in the street and caught up. Staying in hotels is fun for a change - you can drink the mini-bar and wear the bathrobes but at the end of the day, you don't want to do it too often. It doesn't stack up to wearing trackies at home.

Saturday I had to work, if you can call it that - sitting around eating chocolate and drinking wine with the head chocolatier from Lindt. We got on well and I gave him a bit of shit for being a Chocolatier. What sort of job is that? He laughed and pointed out I get to drink wine for a living. Not generally but he had a point.

Saturday night was spent at The Pinnacle, eating Eggplant Parmas, playing pool and listening to some soul tunes being spun by the nerdy but nice DJ. I requested Rock Creek Park which he didn't have and I must admit I was surprised. We befriended Dan the Barman who was pretty drunk but a good pool player and he and I practised our bad spanish over a game of pool. Great pub, loved it. Realised I am missing city life heaps living in this shit town. Miss the energy, the choices, the attitude, the bad fashion, the crazies, the pollution, traffic jams and bad drivers, good coffee....the list is endless...

Got home and went straight to mum's place for lunch since I knew there was nary a scrap of food in my house. She has happy to see me and kept hugging me and giving me compliments. For all her mental illness and hessian-ness she is pretty amazing and gave me some good advice. She also was wearing Chuck Taylors which I found funny and endearing in an age-innapropriate way.

So back in the crib and reflecting a bit more than I should be for a Sunday night. It's weird to be home tonight...I'm restless and can feel a few tosses and turns coming on. The quiet is unnerving. I am off to find a distraction!
And as for you Walshy - next time. No excuses.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Good times

Not much to write about this week. Been busy, happy, nothing to moan about, no angst to speak of. Here is an overview:

The latest I got to work this week: 9.45am.
The worst thing I ate this week: cold baked bean sandwich.
The best thing I ate this week: roast vegie and feta sandwich. What's with all the sandwiches?
Stupidest things I did this week: left the house for work and didn't close front door. Came home to House Wide Open and stealthed inside to do quick check of AV equipment, wine stash and laptop - all in place. Rapists, murderers and crackheads - nowhere to be seen. Thank you Karma bank, I owe you a massive deposit!
Worst conversation overheard this week: stupid workmates talking about kids wetting the bed. One bought their kid a "wee detector" that sets off an alarm in it's little ear if it starts to pee while sleeping. Wanted to fight them and made mental note to never be a mother for having to deal with this kind of shit.
Cutest thing I saw this week: 2 little kids walking to school, a boy and his bigger sister. She was reading him a story as they strolled. Made mental note to self that children are not all evil and to practise reading books while walking.
Biggest tool of the week: Me. See above re: possible home invasion.
Biggest hottie of the week: Hayslayer. Thank god am going to Melbourne tomorrow!

So that's about it. Life is good and I hope it is for my readership of 7 strong. You know who you are.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Seasons for Growth

August is the month when things thaw out. Suddenly the days are getting longer, the sun is shining warmer and something returns to the air which has been lying dormant. It’s a time of reflection, planning, dreaming and setting goals so you have something to aim for when the days don’t end till 8pm and you can’t sleep anyway for the heat.

September brings promise of renewal with its blossoms and blooms. “If they can do it why shouldn’t I too?” you think when you see a naked and empty tree become majestic in its beauty again. Everything is magnified in its splendor - grass becomes greener, colours start moving and you can smell something in the air that wasn’t there before. And this all rubs off on you every day until you realize you are part of a greater process and you need to get amongst it.

October is a waiting game: Summer’s just around the corner and she’s playing hard to get. Its jeans and tee-shirts with a jacket after dark but after all the months of being rugged up all you yearn for is to sleep naked under a fan.

November is time to flirt with the ocean. The sea breeze beckons you to it, daring you to get in and get wet, with a promise to wash away all the residue of the year gone by and leave you only with a thing film of crunchy salt that’ll rinse off under the trickle of a communal shower.

December. The end of another chapter, time to sweat, time to celebrate, lets knock off work early and drink beers in the sun. Its burnt skin and good times, sleepless nights and a cool breeze if you’re lucky enough to take the edge off.

The seasons still run like clockwork and bring with them certain predictability. In January I thought that all that lay in front of me was a question mark. Funnily enough it doesn’t scare me anymore and only brings with it possibility. I’m a third of the way through my life and for the first time feel like the choices I have made are about to give me the right kind of foundation for the next bit….however long that might be….with whatever it might bring with it…

A little Love Song

My favourite vegetable is broccoli
It’s the only way that I get by
I like it steamed with a squeeze of lemon
With tofu and soy sauce it is heaven

I like it baked in cheesy pies
Or tossed through colourful stir fries
It’s full of iron and Vitamin C
Which we all know is very good for you and me

You can even have it raw in salad
Which is why I wrote this vegie love ballad
But I must admit I tell a lie
I don’t pronounce it Brock-o-lye
Although it’s the only vegetable for me
I actually say it Brock-o-lee

Word O'Clock

I really like my boss. He buys me coffees in the morning, compliments me on my “wild 80’s hair”, tells me I light up the room and swears a lot but never at anything. He owns lots of cool cufflinks - one set is a bottle opener and beer bottle top. He looks like John Boy Walton and loves his kids, brings a lunchbox to work with celery sticks in it as he is watching his weight and lets me buy cases of beer for the office on the work credit card. He is rad.

In my previous jobs I have hated my bosses with a passion. One complete mad man called me a “Fucking Dumb Head” in front of the entire office. I laughed out loud at his ridiculous choice of insults and when he turned around and stormed into his office I called him a “Fucking Cock Smack” just as the door slammed so only my colleagues heard. We giggled and I got mad props. Then there was the Crazy Evil ‘Ranga Lesbian who used to corner me in the stationery closet and close the door and threaten me by pointing her index finger in my face. She would read my emails if I left my computer unlocked and ended up stealing $100 000 from the business. Poor lady. Imagine being a lesbian with red hair and Fanta pants. It wouldn’t be easy.

Sometimes I wonder why feminists fought so hard for women to be able to develop high powered careers. Not that I have one currently, but I have dabbled and they are abnormal and completely overrated. I reckon it would be way easier to have 3 choices of jobs like when my mum was young. You could be a teacher, a nurse, or a secretary if you even wanted a job at all. Cooking dinners, hanging with the kids and pottering around the house sounds way better than sitting at a desk, going to meetings and talking about reaching targets and key performance indicators with stakeholders all day.

I’m just having a “Grass is Greener” moment. Mostly it’s not you know.

Friends, Enemies, Lovers, Family...

Being human means somehow trying to navigate your way through a series of interractions with those you love, those you like, those you are related to and those you don't care about. They will all drive you crazy at one stage in your life and your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to keep the ones you love close and set the others free.

I forgot I had enemies until a few nights ago. It was a bit of shock really since I have this opinion of my self that I am a very nice and good person. In fact, I haven't always been nice, or good, or behaved with integrity and grace. I try, but mostly I'm just a normal person who is capable of fucking up. We all have our shadow side and if you don't know yours you've got problems cause you'll never be able to keep it in check.

I read somewhere that the opposite of love is not hate but indifference, so what does that say for your enemies who can look at you with daggers of hatred? If they were true enemies, surely they wouldn't care anymore? I may be the enemy in some people's daggerloaded eyes but I am happy to say, I don't think of anyone like that. Takes up too much energy that I would prefer to use to love someone instead.

Martin Luther King said "We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies".

So there bitches!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

People Watching

Just when I thought it was Spring, the cold and grey is back with a vengeance. Feel great today despite the cloud cover and chill in the air and observed some interesting stuff this morning on the bus to work.

As you will have read in my previous post on PT, taking the bus in Newie is risky in many ways but it always fascinates the hell out of me. This morning there were 2 guys about 17 with Downs sitting across from me, both with pods in ears, one belting out some tuneless song with so much passion, he even had his eyes closed and was doing hand gestures. Everyone on the bus was kind of mildy awkward and I just wanted to slap this dude high five cause he was awesome.

Then a bunch of girls got on, all about 18, dressed in cheap suits and carrying briefcases. They must have been on their way to some kind of Business College where they were being farmed into future PA's so that one day they could move to Sydney to work in some souless corporatation to manage diaries and book travel. It was kind of sad in a way but hey, if it gets them out of Our Town then maybe it's a good thing.

The last thing I saw was kind of heartbreaking. A young family climbed on, 2 young and semi hessian type parents in their early 30's with their son who was about 7. The kid had a very cruel and uncool bowl cut and wore some second hand tracksuit but the three of them were having the best time together. They were laughing and being super affectionate and the parents were totally in love with each other and their kid. On the seat across the aisle from them was a girl about 13 who was in her school uniform and was sitting by herself just staring at this little family scene being played out before her with the most yearning eyes I have seen in a long time. She kept looking at the dad and the way he interracted with his son and I could tell she was a kid with no dad. She stared at them and I stared at her they stared at each other. And then the family got off the bus and she went back to looking at the ground.

I love people watching. I could go anywhere and just sit there and watch people all day. One could say it is quite a creepy pasttime but it's free and you can do it anywhere without any equipment.

Monday, August 10, 2009

More Freaky Current Affairs

The first one I noticed this morning was the story of a woman who jumped off a building naked after taking part in a "rigorous" self-development course.

"She climbed out of the second-floor window of her workplace building, stepped off the ledge and fell onto the pavement below, and then she died half an hour later," Mr Bromwich said. "She was a modest girl but took her clothes off twice and was naked at the time of her death."

What is wrong with us that we constantly think we are not good enough or need to be more in order to be happy? This poor woman probably paid heaps of cash to go to this course and the end result was it ended up sending her bonkers to the point she either wanted to take her own life or suffered from so much grandiose thought she probably was trying to fly. (This photo is actually from the website of the organisation that ran the course.) This quote was taken from the course website:

"Imagine being comfortable with your emotions, allowing yourself to be sad, angry, or happy, knowing you can appropriately manage and express your feelings and have a satisfying relationship with yourself and other people .... Feeling profoundly connected to your heart, nature, society, and in contact with your soul - that part of yourself that is the essence of fulfilment, providing meaning, purpose and a sense of wholeness in your life."

Imagine. How fucked are we as a society and as a community if we need to do a self-help course in order to be sad or happy, express emotion, have satisfying relationships and feel connected to nature, society etc etc as stated above. Have we come so far that the most basic laws of humanity - emotion/expression/connection/purpose have completely eluded us and left us naked and broken at the bottom of an office building in Sydney's CBD?

It makes me yearn for another era and romanticise some of the stories mum has told me of what it was like in the 60's and 70's. She told me that when her and Dad were just married, they lived above a shop in Sydney, two hippies with no money, a new baby and they would sit around listening to records and playing cards for hours on end. They didn't have a TV, they didn't have any cash or assets or any real idea what they were doing either as young adults or parents - but they were just in love with each other and the moment.

This story really illustrates to me the fragility of our mental health in a modern age. We are the product of technology, consumerism, terrorism, globalisation, pop-culture, fast food, disposability, celebrity, genetic modification, built-in obsolescence and so many other false and fucked up concepts that interferes with what's real, what matters and essentially who were are that unless we are rock solid in our mental health, we can easily lose our grip.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Itchy Feet

It is so quiet here tonight. Just still and silent and smelling like spring. The moon was full last night I think so it's still beaming in through the window in all it's glory and majesty. There are no cars, no dogs barking, just the odd sound of a ship's horn in the harbour. Soon it will be spring and we will be back to wearing jeans and teeshirts and thongs with not a care in the world.

Missing Argentina lots at the moment. Missing my little crew over there, just kicking back sharing a mate, talking endless shit, eating empanadas, cruising around BA feeling at home. I can almost afford to go back for a little while but then maybe I think I need to get myself to Europe first since I haven't been there? God damn itchy feet. I've been back 5 minutes and I've got them again. I think most of the time itchy feet is not so much about wanting to travel, it's more about wanting to run. This is very true of me. When things start going really well I generally try to fuck them up in some way. I wrote the book on self-sabotage. Well when we go to the Barringtons I shall walk barefoot on mossy ground and plunge these itchy feet into a rock pool and try to chill them out.

Come on Monday morning. I am so ready for you. This week is going to fflllyyyyyyyyy!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Finally. A weekend at home doin nuttin. I have caught up on sleep, detoxed my liver and have stopped being a grumpy biatch with unpredictable emotions and am generally back to my sweet natured self. But there is still work to be done.

This includes:
  • House cleaning
  • Clothes cleaning
  • Food buying
  • Hairdryer buying
  • Sunbaking in back yard with I-pod and snacks close at hand
  • Thinking of more meaningful blog entries. Actually, fuck that, I like writing about banal shit!
  • Going to dinner with the Oz-Canadians and drinking delicious wine that arrived on my doorstep yesterday
  • Visiting my nan and eating home made baked goods
It's actually looking like a lot for a nothing weekend. I might cull some.

As an aside, if you have a blog, get busy blogging people! This includes you XBobX, Haymaker and Walshy!

Over and out.
Tatey 180

The Friday F**kwit

This morning the hairdryer blew up in my hand. It made a growling noise and shot red sparks out of the back. I squealed and dropped it for fear of being electricuted.

With soaking wet hair I needed another solution and fast. I got a towel and laid it on the floor in front of the gas heater and lay down with my hair stretched out on the towel where I meditated for 10 minutes. When I stood up: AMAZING curls.

Now I am having the Best Hair Day of My Life.

Screw you hairdryer!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

In my daily coffee and current affairs crawl that I perform at work, I was disturbed and fascinated to read about the guy who opened fire in a gym in the States yesterday. The very thought of doing that is fucked up enough but what chilled me was the fact he had blogged his thoughts and feelings leading up to the day when he decided that shooting women taking a latin dance class in a gym would be a good idea.

The blog has since been removed from the net but basically it documented the feelings of a man who was lonely, depressed and hadn't had a shag in almost 20 years.

"Who knows why. I am not ugly or too weird. No sex since July 1990 either (I was 29)," he writes. "Last time I slept all night with a girlfriend it was 1982. Proof I am a total malfunction. Girls and women don't even give me a second look ANYWHERE. There is something BLATANTLY wrong with me."

Got me thinking about loneliness and lack of human contact and how it can literally make people crazy. We've all heard about studies that have been done on children in orphanages who weren't cuddled and held as babies and their failure to thrive, grow and develop.

"Touching an infant has also been shown to develop and strengthen the attachment between a parent and a baby. This attachment gives rise to increased feelings of security, trust, and comfort. The child learns that their parent is there to love and protect them. They will feel safer and more relaxed, and will learn to cry only when they have a need to be met."

So my question is this: do we still have the same needs for touch as adults as we did when we were babies but are too scared to express them for fear of the social response? If you don't have a partner in your life you can go for weeks on end without proper touch - either big long cuddles or just things like massages, little pats and general physical affection. It's one thing to get it from your girlfriends and mates and I make a point to kiss and hug all my friends as much as possible, but I reckon that this bloke suffered from the same syndrome as babies who don't get cuddled enough: he felt no sense of safety or comfort and hadn't in years so he had the biggest cry he could muster - one with an automatic weapon and a death toll of 4 including himself.

There is an obvious moral to this story. Everyone needs to be touched and cuddled so if you realise a few days have gone past and you haven't had any physical affection in a while, do what I do - find someone you like and ask them politely "Can I please have a hug? I really need one." You will feel much better.

As for not having a shag in 20 years, that is just ludicrous and no wonder the bloke went mad. But that's the topic of another post.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Happy Hump Day

Feeling MUCH better today. Yesterday was one of the worst days I can remember having for some reason. I am generally a very posi person so to have a "dark clouds" day is unusual. A few things cheered me up:

Organic vegies thanks to Beanstalk

Cooking and eating dinner with the calming and positive influence of B.Hard. He gives great advice and is as solid as a rock

Skype chats for 2 hours with the very gorgeous Leila from Puerto Rico. Just looking at her and listening to her crazy spanglish was enough to make me laugh

Then I went to bed and had an hilarious dream. In the dream I was at some kind of "corporate teambuilding" event with a bunch of people and one of the activities was a breakdancing competition. The problem was the Sharon Strezlecki was in the group and I knew she would win based on comedic value alone. So I was determined to win on technical merit and was racking my brains for as many b-boy moves as I could remember from the 80's. Popping, locking, power moves, it was all coming back to me but I'm thinking "how the hell am I going to pull this off???" I was really trying to channel Special K from Breakdance. I love that movie. And the soundtrack is even better. I have it on vinyl.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I think I have the Booze Blues. Feeling extremely flat and disinterested and the sheer look of this town is depressing me. Plus there is no one in my office to distract me from myself so I am relying on the pod to do so. I went to mum's for a baked dinner last night and didn't even want to speak to her for some reason. She made a mad vego feast for me and still I didn't feel like talking. I played guitar in bed for most of the night when I got home. Usually I spread out my hanging at home across the entire house and cruise around for most of the night flitting between activities. But last night I was just feeling pretty introspective so I got into bed with laptop, guitar and peppermint tea all within reach and just chilled out in my room. Then I played guitar until my fingertips burned. I am working on my callouses in general. Building them up in some places and tearing them down in others. It's a process I guess.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Creepy Music

Of late I have been listening to music that I can only describe as creepy. Some would call it ambient, moody, dark, etheric, whatevs, it's actually creepy, especially when being listened to through headphones which I do at work a lot. Explosions in the Sky is very guilty of creepiness but then the next song will be nothing short of beautiful and uplifting and will make you want to dance a jig in the street so you feel quite conflicted. Cursive are very creepy as well. Anything with fast whispering vocals in the background or a series of dischordant riffs littered with silence should come with a warning so you don't find yourself listening to it at work drinking a coffee during a nice quiet bit and then fucken BAM! some crashing cymbals and the same line of lyrics repeated and you have almost hit the roof and have coffee all over the desk. I am jumpy as hell at the moment mind you. Its due to Vitamin B deficiency which happens when you have been hitting the piss too much. You find yourself getting jumpy at the littlest stuff like TV commercials or something falling off a cupboard and you know it's time to hit the Mega B's. That shit will smooth you out within a couple of hours.
Did I have a premonition?

Pros/Cons List

What I like about being an adult
Not having to do homework
Pay day
Owning a passport
Drinking beers on school nights
Not being subject to shit trends relating to fashion, music etc. Or at least thinking you’re not.
Not needing parent’s approval
Liking yourself more and more each year

What I don’t like about being an adult
Bill paying and basically everything to do with managing money
Grocery shopping or, if you are too lazy to do grocery shopping, consistently having no food in the house
Society’s pressure to get married/have babies/get mortgage/be boring. Maybe that shit is all really awesome and that’s why everyone is doing it but I am not convinced
Hangovers hurt way more
Having emotional residue from former experiences. It was heaps better when you were 19 and you had no idea about anything so you just jumped in
Going to gigs and clubs and being at least 10 years older than most of the peeps
Death is way closer

Tater Tater Proscrastinator

I am struggling with work today.

Small tasks are taking much more time to complete than they should. Youtube is enticing, as is coffee/banana bread/sandwiches/water/biccies/cups o tea. I don't want to speak to anyone so am letting my calls go through to the keeper. Listening to James Brown to try to give me some kind of energy for...anything.

I spent some serious coin on the weekend. Here is a breakdown of what I spent:

Train ticket - $18.00
Cab to pub - $10.00
3 coopers - $15.00 (yep, that's right, little ones were $5 each)
Dinner and wine - $50.00

Breakfast with ladies- $20.00
Hairdresser - $280.00
Lunch - $15.00
Dinner for Johnny's birthday - $100.oo
Naked man birthday card for John's birthday - $7.00

Breakfast - $20.00
Parking ticket while borrowing my sister's car- $89.00
New hot dress - $109
Bottle of wine - $25.00
Cab home - $10.00

Felafel roll, hot chips, coke combo - $7.90

I just punched that into a calculator and it came up as $523.00. Wow. That makes me feel ill. That's half a ticket to Argentina. What am I, a mindless consumer? Apparently yes. Fair enough there were 2 birthday's and one engagement amongst all that to be celebrated but that is hideous.

Excuse me while I self-punish for the rest of the afternoon.

Trash talk

When I went to the cafe this morning to get coffee, I read in the paper that Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O have been pulled off the air following their little incident with a minor on radio last week.

For fuck's sake. Why it took the broadcaster an entire week to remove these fools I don't know. Discussing a 14 year old's sexual activity on live radio is not only in poor taste, it's um, illegal isn't it? If the age of consent is 16, what did they think they were doing in questioning her about sex? Kyle Sandilands made a poor call when he chose to question a minor about sex and I am amazed that he got off scott free. And Jackie O is a disgrace. What woman decides that makes for good radio?

This country pisses me off so much at times for being so gutless. Our cultural response to these incidents and ones like them ie. footy sex scandals, racially fuelled crimes etc is pathetic and I can't believe the way some of these things are handled publically by our leaders.

I remember when the Cronulla riots happened, me and my flatmate the Smiley Phillo were watching the news and she said "Wow. If we were in the Phillipines right now and this went on, the army would be out on the streets mowing people down with machine guns." I love Australia for it's laid back approach but it seems like no one is willing to take their nuts out of their purse and take a stand on what is and isn't appropriate anymore. Although some might argue that that's what John Howard did so you have to be careful what you wish for.

I'm not really up for massive politcial commentary or dicussing Australia's lack of cultural identity in this post, I'm just relieved that these fuckers are not polluting the airwaves....for now anyway.

Vivid Dreams

Had some massive dreams over the weekend.

In the first one I was standing on a rocky cliff overlooking a small country town. A huge storm was brewing and the clouds were becoming really dark and foreboding. Then they turned almost blue and started shooting huge lightning bolts all over the town, setting houses alight and generally causing chaos. I ran down into the town to make sure mum's house was ok and remember running into lightning bolts, dodging them as they hit.

In the second one, I was walking through a zoo with 2 children, a boy and girl, holding each one by the hand. They were los ninos latinos with black shiny hair and big brown eyes and they spoke only spanish. We were walking up to all the animals and I would explain to them what the animal was. I rememeber saying to them "Ahora pequenos, esta muy importante ser suave con las animales" and them nodding and being very cute.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I didn't eat dinner and now I am starving at 11pm

I refuse to do what I did last Sunday night and stay up til 2am on the blog. Problem is, I think I started to feel ok after being hungover as fuck all day. Just a quick little tat-ta-tat-tat on the keys and then zzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

My Sydney weekend was pretty much exactly what I thought.

Highlights included

Head massage and hair washing in massage chair at Stevie English by little Jake

"Hippy Breakfast" at the Lounge cafe in Surry Hills which featured 2 poached egss, well done how I like em, mushies, wilted rocket, grilled haloumi and babaghanoush. I don't know what's hippy about it, it was straight up deliciousness!


Dance floor antics at Sal's engagement party. I was wowing the crowd with my moves especially my 70's disco moves that I made up to go with "Car Wash" by Rose Royce. At one stage I was calling out move titles inclduing "Suds Up Hose Down", "Wax on Wax off", "the Squeegy" and "Scrub the tires" and people were throwing them down. I believe Linden captured some on video so stay tuned for youtube post

Sleeping in random beds including Igs's sofa bed, Johnny's bed, hotel sofa bed, backseat of the car and my couch. And I hope soon, The Cloud.

Lowlights include:
Getting grabbed by group of fuckwits
Talking to Cokie Monsters with bad taste in music
The felafel I ate for lunch
Sydney and it's abundance of lost and lonely people
Missing the haystacker

But overall it was pretty sweet and there was a lot of love around which was also nice.