I have been having these very strong feelings about the shortness of life lately. Not sure why, just have this sensation of "Don't put it off or it might not ever happen." What exactly I am not sure of, just everything that I want to do and be and see and feel. Not much really! This is an excerpt of some shit that I wrote while I was on the plane on the back of a boarding pass:
"I have also decided to calm the fuck down about everything and enjoy my life - which I am. I want to unblock and unlock myself, travel, practise my music and language, be true to myself and have fun doing it." That sounds pretty good. I also wrote down the lyrics to "When you were young" by The Killers because the Haymaker said he wants to sing it one day and I would really love him to. He would be kill Brandon Flowers thats for sure.
In other news, I caught up with Gina on the weekend in Sydney and she was doing really well. It was great to see her. And I saw Josie and Mon and the Hercules twins who I also love like brothers. Sydney drives me mental. I love it in so many ways, especially my old hoods of Surry Hills and the inner west. I went to the Cricketers Arms which is a great pub and also to the Rose in Chippo. Both places I have had so many good nights in. It's funny because I was always too scared to move back to Newcastle for fear of the ghosts of the past whereas now Sydney has a few of it's own. A few dark nights of the soul were had in that town people! But I guess they aren't ghosts really, just memories, some I would like to forget.
And now that I am back here the ghosts have gone and all that remains are bogans. Ha!
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