There is guy at my work who is building a house at the moment and it's one of those kit home things that you buy out of a catalogue. He spends most of his day ringing up about carpet and paint colours, consulting with the wife and generally being a suburban nightmare. Makes me want to do a Russell Crowe and throw my phone at him.
It's people like him who scare the shit out of me - not that I am worried about ever being like that - but if that's normal I want to be a complete hessian weirdo for the rest of my life. It's only now that I am older that I give my parents massive props for being hippies when we were kids. At the time I hated it and wanted to be nothing but normal but now I love the fact that I was raised really unconventionally, even if it was a bit extreme at times ie. me and my sisters sleeping in sleeping bags on the side of the stage while mum and dad rocked out in the band together.
Today is Iggy's birthday. She is 32. My favourite memory of Igs is when we lived together in Paddo she came downstairs one Sunday morning after a massive night clutching at her chest. She said "Call the ambulance I'm having a heart attack." After a few questions about symptoms however it turned out that she had drunk 8 vodka and red bulls the night before and was having heart palpitations/anxiety attack. It was pretty funny.
And that is the 3.3o Bulletin ya'll.
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