Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Head Miles

There has been some big news that will be affect my life dramatically.

Rocket's coming back from Singapore.

To Newcastle!

She has lived and worked in Singapore as an ex-pat in the corporate Rat Race for the last 4 years, has gone through a divorce, danced on many a bar, contracted a weird tropical virus and has given it a million percent. And now, that's enough. Time to come home.

I lived with Rocket for a while back in Bondi and we had some amazing times. Most of them revolved around the beach: walks on the beach before work, swims in the ocean after work until the sun went down, drinks at Ravesis overlooking the beach...and there were some hilarious moments. One night I brought a date home to our house and as I put the key in the front door I heard footsteps thundering down the hallway. When I opened the door, my wide-eyed man friend and I were greeted with a horrified and drunk Rocket running naked down the hall towards us, all arms and legs and tits going everywhere, heading for her bedroom. She knows me inside and out, flaws and all, and we've been there for each other through thick and thin.

The question is: what the hell is going to happen to us when she comes home? I am so excited about the prospect of her being here with me that I am jumping for joy, but I also know that it's going to be tough for her. I have been home for almost 6 months now and am only just starting to feel normal. You do a lot of "head miles" while you are away from home and they don't stop just because your physical self returns. So I will be there for that little Rocket when the time comes!

In other news, I have lots on this week which is a nice suprise. Dinner with Crafty tomorrow, Birthday lunch on Thursday, barbeque with the Oz-Canadians on Friday, house hunting on Saturday.

It's only taken 6 months but finally, I have plans!!!

Uncle Tommy

Uncle Tommy died last night. We're not sure how, think it was a massive stroke or heart attack. He was pretty old - I think he was 89 so he had a good life, a good innings, a good shot.

I saw him just a couple of weeks ago, we rode the bus together for a couple of stops, I gave him a kiss and hug goodbye and off I went. I'm happy I had that opportunity. He was a good bloke and a nice man. He walked my mum down the aisle when she got married because she dad was missing in action.

Whenever someone dies it reaffirms 2 things for me.

1. Life is precious and is not to be taken for granted of
2. We hope we are going to live to be 89 but it may not be that way.

Longevity runs in my family. We all live to be about a thousand. Well, not all of us. Cousin Matthew didn't make it to 16 which was especially sad. If I live to be an old lady I don't want to have any regrets in my life. Hey, if I get hit by a bus today I don't either!

Anyway, here's to Uncle Tommy. I will burn the candle for you tonight.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Lunch time Chats

I just had an embarrassing experience.

I bought a salad for lunch because I am on a diet. It was the last thing I feel like eating but the thought of potentially being naked in front of someone for the first time in 6 months is enough to make me eat a bowl of leaves. So, as the doors were closing in the lift to go back to my office I had a chat with my salad – “You do look ok, I think I can eat you.” Then someone hit the button and got in.

I said “Did you just hear me having a chat with my salad?”

“No,” he replied. “What was the chat about?”

“I just said ‘You look ok, I guess I can eat you’”.

The guy looked at my salad. “And what did it reply?’

We both laughed and I got out of the lift, embarrassed.

Then my salad said “I’m going to be delicious Tatey, wait and see!”

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The problem with having a boring weekend is that you can't wait to get back to work

So I had a pretty boring weekend overall with some tiny highlights. This was mainly because I am overcoming the (S)Whine Flu.

Firstly, was Friday night's Grand Opening of Make Space which is a great new store and project of Renew Newcastle, one of the only things about this town that I wholeheartedly support at the moment. I helped out with logistics since my "creatives" dried up some years ago. It was good fun, I got to hang out with some cool little kids and a guy who played the didge while being backed up by various tracks. Very vibey.

Saturday was a non-event. Sunday continues.

So now I am so pumped up and ready for work! Yeah! Can't wait to get back to the desk, start smashing the keyboard and answering that phone!

Everyone has needs...

and mine is and always has been a blog!

For my 6 readers that have been following my "works" for some time, I'm back. I started my first blog back in 2003 and it was by far my favourite, although my recent travel blog was probably more interesting.

This blog is to blog the journey of another kind - Coming Home. And while I have been home in Australia for almost 6 months now, I have only just arrived in many ways. And not only did I come home to Australia, I came home to my "home town". Newcastle.

This Blog will feature Newcastle in quite a lot of detail, as well as other such topics I love to lament about. This includes:

-My love for the Crocodile
-Living at home with my mum at age 32
-My job
-My friends all over the place
-My reflections on current affairs, events, music, culture, food, the recession, politics, fashion and the internet

I'm not guaranteeing it's going to be good so read on at your own risk...